The road to owning a successful business is rough, so fierce that many people don’t finish the journey. It helps to listen to success stories sometimes, especially when you’re planning to set up a business. It doesn’t matter how big or small a company may be, each of them had their fair share of challenges. As such, getting to know success stories, especially those of small businesses, may turn out to be helpful. Some of these stories are so inspiring that you may think they are only possible in a movie, but they are real. The story of Page One Consultants is such a story.

To receive recognition from the US SBA (Small Business Administration), you must have done something right. In 2017, the Page One Consultants CEO and president, Sheryl Page, was named the Woman-Owned Small Business Person of the Year in Florida. Sheryl’s engineering and construction consultancy started way back in 1993, but went through a series of challenges. Of course, there were instances when Sheryl would have given up, but she was resilient and kept soldiering on.

Having started out in a male-dominated industry, Page had no option but to fight the dominance. She did not have enough money to offer quality services either, and she would use up to 15 credit cards just to ensure her business survived. However, the turning point came in 2001 when she received an SBA guaranteed loan of $250000. Did the gamble pay off? Yes. The loan helped Page’s firm to improve its service quality, which attracted a healthy clientele. She would later repay the loan, and the rest is history.

From Page’s story, it is clear that we must keep the faith and exercise patience in matters business. Rarely is business success instant, and the road to success involves ups and downs.

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