If you are in business, then you know there is only one constant thing, and that is change. Also, given that 2020 has been a tough year due to the corona pandemic that has affected every sector. It is a challenging business environment, but companies that pivot well can leverage new marketing strategies to thrive even in these challenging times. Here are some methods worth implementing.

Create Educative Content

According to a report done by the Content Marketing Institute, more than 70% of marketers used content marketing. Even though you might have heard the phrase that ‘content is king’ for a long time, it remains a timeless truth, and marketers who deploy educative, authoritative, and informative content will reap immense business benefits.

Deploy a Personal Marketing Touch

People are embracing customized items, and gone are the days of blanket marketing emails producing fantastic results. In this decade, marketers will need to dig deep and address individual clients’ fears as they send out emails. This will require marketing to leverage analytics to comprehend various factors like demographics and market segments. The only way that businesses will thrive is if they strive to make clients feel special, and automation can help them achieve this as messages can be customized to the client’s search results.

This decade also marks a massive milestone in data transparency regulation, and businesses will need to convey transparency to build trust with their clients. Timing of content will also remain essential, and marketers will need to walk the fine line between too much and too little content while delivering it at the right time.

Updating Content

Content that has already been published does not have to go to waste. It can be updated and increase the amount of traffic to your website. Small and easy changes like changing the dates and content to show the new update can drastically improve rankings and leads to more traffic and more conversions.

Merging of Data and Creativity

Creativity is a vital ingredient for any marketer, but in 2020, creativity might have to come second after data. Businesses will have to adopt a data-first approach to assess the effectiveness of previously creative marketing strategies. Then using the insights learned, they could craft future strategies that address the gaps.

Video Is Still Relevant

In 2019, videos were a massive trend in digital marketing, and they are still relevant even in 2020. Videos create a stronger interaction between businesses and their clients and increase the odds of making a purchase. If you have not implemented any of these tips, then you need to jump on board and see the positive impact they will have on your business.

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